Monday, August 8, 2011

Color Me Purple!

A purple party!
I started gathering Purple Supplies months before the big day, with a baby on the way I knew I would need to be prepared!

I got the cupcake wraps, and the cake stand around Easter time at Walmart. They had plenty of purple, and other pastel colors available. I dyed the cake and frosting purple of course!

I also had purple Jello Popcorn, a yummy way to flavor popcorn! Here is the recipe:

8 cups popcorn, I used my Air Popper (my favorite wedding gift)
1 cup light Karo syrup
1 cup Sugar
1 small box of Jello (any flavor, I used Grape)
2 tablespoons Butter

Combine Karo, Sugar, butter, and jello in a saucepan on medium heat. Bring it just to a boil and then pour over popcorn, beware it will be hot!

And of course a little grape Fanta
Some chocolate dipped marshmallows, purple Peeps, grape licorice.

We also had Sandwiches on Purple bread (my local grocery store will do this in their bakery, any color!) We also had grapes, purple kolaid, and grape jello jigglers.

It was VERY purplicous.

I used This tutorial for my ruffled streamers, and my sister taught me how to make the tissue balls, but you can go Here to learn how!
And of course everyone wore purple, We painted nails purple, and I found some amazing purple things at the dollar store to use, Fancy hats to decorate, Purple beads and bracelets, purple socks, and purple brushes, purple candy jewelry, all in little purple bags!

My purple princess sure enjoyed her special day!

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