Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I have been trying to plan everything for Eliza's purple birthday before this baby comes, especially because baby sister is due the day before Eliza's birthday. I have seen these gorgeous ruffle cakes EVERYWHERE and I wanted to make a purple one for the birthday party, well I found a tutorial on youtube! So much easier than it looks, and so pretty and girly!image source

image source

Also, Anyone have any Ideas I could use for a Purple birthday? Games, or activities, etc? HELP!!!


  1. I think doing a 'color' theme birthday party is so fun. We've done those before, the pictures always turn out so cute! Good luck (no game suggestions, Im bad at game planning)

  2. I <3 it too! Post yours when you are done, we need a purple one to float around the web too

  3. wow- those cakes are gorgeous and look so hard! i can't wait to see the finished cake. will you post the video you use? how are you feeling? can't wait to see pics of your new little baby! and with games... maybe you could play pin leaf on the purple flower? or purple bowling. if its outdoor, you could have purple chalk or bubbles with purple wands or purple hopscotch or something. i don't know. can't wait to see all the pics though! good luck in these last few weeks!! :)

  4. Hey, those are some real good ones!
    I really appreciate the ideas.
