Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sometimes its good, sometimes its NOT

So I have had a quite a few sewing disasters in my days of sewing, and bow disasters in my days of bow-making.... I know SHOCKING! (Can you taste the sarcasm?)

Well here is a disaster, that I was able to fix.

It started with this XL T-Shirt I got at a clothing outlet called 7 Circles, it cost me a 1.50 and it was new!

I turned it into this....

And then this. This is the disaster I was talking about. It looked like a Fiesta Flamenco shirt. You should have seen the look on my hubby's face when I tried it on. It was supposed to be the mommy version of THIS. I shudder just looking at it. Pretty bad. So I unpicked those awful sleeves, and it became...

THIS! Loverly. Simply Loverly.

Don't you agree it is an improvement?


  1. I say it again, you're my hero! It looks awesome!!! (After you fixed it!!)

  2. Super cute! That looks hard! You and your talents never cease to amaze me!
