Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Embellish me?

In the grand spirit of refashioning and needing something to wear to the ECLIPSE premiere, I whipped up these little numbers!

Nothing like a little vintage lace to add to a sweater. Thank you Great Grandma Nana. I LOVE this lace. Isn't it pretty?
And here I go with those bows again! Isn't that color pretty? You will be seeing a lot more of it. I am not allowed to speak of the source of the fabric since I got it at a warehouse that can't be named for 1.00 a yard. Yes, and there is more where that came from...

This was what it looked like before... cute, but not AS cute. I trimmed up the neck before adding those fluttery bows.

A little closer up...

And here I am with my Sis at the Eclipse premiere. Yes I am a member of Team Jacob, and I won't admit how many times I have read those books... ahem.

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